viernes 07, octubre, 2022

Académico del Claustro DEGI invitado a moderar en la conferencia «Global Summit on Advances in Earth Science and Climate Change» 2022 en París, Francia.

El Dr. Rodrigo Torres, académico del claustro del Doctorado en Economía y Gestión de la Información, fue invitado a moderar en la conferencia internacional «Global Summit on Advances in Earth Science and Climate Change» desarrollada en septiembre de 2022 en Paris, Francia.  Al evento asistieron investigadores de diversos países quienes aportaron desde sus distintas perspectivas y disciplinas a visualizar la problemática del cambio climático y la importancia de proteger la biodiversidad.

El Dr. Torres además presentó la ponencia «Efficient computation of map algebra over compact raster data» y presentó un discurso de introducción donde apela a la importancia de que los países, en particular Chile, desarrolle políticas que promuevan la educación científica y del ambiente:

«Dear Colleagues:

Nature has rights.
Society has the duty to protect and respect it, adopting an ecologically responsible administration and promote environmental and scientific education through permanent training and learning processes.
We must protect biodiversity, preserving, conserving, and restoring the habitat of native wild species in the appropriate quantity and distribution to sustain the viability of their populations and ensure the conditions for their survival and non-extinction.
It is our duty to regulate and promote the management, reduction and recovery of waste.
We must protect the ecological and social function of the earth.
Water is essential for life and the exercise of human and nature rights.
We must protect the waters, in all their states and phases, and their hydrological cycle.”
What you just heard is not an ecological statement by any international ONG. The statements reproduced here was part of the Chilean new constitution proposal, which was voted in September 4th.
By one reason or another, my country decided against the proposal. I’m sharing these statements because it could be an example to us, scientist, researchers, industrialists and students interested in climate change, to promote policies like this in our countries, so maybe, the climate change could be taken in a more serious manner by our governments and authorities.»